Medical Devices

An EEG net for brainwave acquisition

Simple, efficient, EEG net that applies within 15 minutes

What is the ICECap?

A 21-electrode EEG net that adapts to most patients, for inpatient or outpatient testing

Lower costs

for both the facility and the patient

High signal quality

Tests up to 72 hours

Adult and pediatric

sizes that adapt to most patients

Full brain coverage

Using a 10-20 system

Request for device information

How could the ICECap integrate with your workflow?

Flexible and adaptable

to your needs

Touchproof Adapter

Interested in the ICECap, but want to maintain your current workflow?

Neuronaute + ICECap

for maximum speed and ease of use

A complete EEG system

Offering a better patient experience and ease of use, the Neuronaute paired with the ICECap is the most efficient method for testing. Powered by custom software and innovative technology, you can begin performing EEGs anytime, anywhere.

Partner with BioSerenity!