
Contact BioSerenity for a medical device complaint :

Dear Customers, Dear Users,

We would like to inform you that the headquarters of our company, a legal manufacturer of medical devices, will be relocating as of January 1, 2025.
Our new address is as follows:

BioSerenity Medical Devices Group
6/8 rue Jean Antoine de Baïf
75013 PARIS

However, we would like to inform you that all email addresses, phone numbers, website, and URL links remain unchanged.

If you have a complaint about our medical devices Neuronaute and IceCap, please contact us at the following addresses:

Please include in your email the following information:

  • Complaint made by : Patient, Client (Provider), Client (External Technician)
  • Date Problem Occurred
  • Device Type
  • Device Serial Number/Model Number (if you don’t know please mention “Unknown”)
  • Device Lot Number (if you don’t know please mention “Unknown”)